/ Culture - History
Equestrian Acrobatics of Koguryo
  Koguryo is the first feudal state of Korea which existed between 277 B.C. and A.D. 668.

  In Koguryo with strong martial spirit, people held various equestrian games and contests and developed acrobatics performed on horseback.
  Jo Myong Chol, Researcher of the Folklore Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences, says:
  "The equestrian acrobatics of Koguryo with a long history was on the level as high as that of the contemporary one.
  It is proved well by the mural paintings in ancient tombs in Phalchong-ri and Yaksu-ri which belong to around the 5th century.
  The one in Phalchong-ri shows two horsemen performing feats while going around the men blowing big bugle horns and beating drums.
  The one in Yaksu-ri depicts the men throwing hook-shaped things up in the air on galloping horses or lying face down on horseback.
  They prove that Koguryo developed the equestrian acrobatics in a diverse way by creating many movements related to martial arts such as swordsmanship and spearmanship on horseback."
  The equestrian acrobatics created by the people of Koguryo which throve as a powerful state in the East has developed into different genres including the "horse race", "formative horsemanship" and "feats on horseback", adding optimism to the stage of our acrobatics.