/ Highlights
DPRK players bag 15 cups and 76 gold medals at 10th Asian Taekwon-Do Championship
  The Tenth Asian Taekwon-Do Championship was held in India from the 19th to the 25th.
  It brought together more than 620 players and coaches from over 20 countries including the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia and Mongolia. The DPRK players bagged 15 cups and 76 gold medals in the championship.
  The Taekwon-Do players who fully demonstrated the dignity and prestige of Juche Korea at the Tenth Asian Taekwon-Do Championship were welcomed at the Pyongyang International Airport by Chief Secretary of the Cabinet Kim Kum Chol who is member of the National Sports Guidance Committee, officials in the field of sports and families on the 27th.
  Sportspeople put garlands around the necks of the players and coaches and presented bouquets to them.