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KCNA makes public report
  The Korean Central News Agency made public a report on the 2nd under the title "Mass Innovation Movement for Creating New Standards and New Records Conducted in All Fields of the National Economy and January Assignments under the National Economic Plan Overfulfilled at Many Units".
  The report said the people across the country vigorously made the first step in 2025 under the outstanding leadership of the Central Committee of the great Workers' Party of Korea which unfolded a grand blueprint of new victory and change in the history of overall prosperity and development of our dignified state, and continued:
  The historic Eleventh Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK called upon the entire officials, Party members and other working people to turn out in the new patriotic struggle for increased production in order to successfully attain the goals of struggle set by the Eighth Party Congress this year, the last year of carrying out the five-year plan.
  The torch of miraculous increased production held high by the workers of the Sangwon Cement Complex in response to the call of the Party Central Committee is fiercely flaring up throughout the country as the flames of the mass innovation movement.  New standards and new records were created one after another in all fields of the national economy including metallurgical, chemical, electric power, coal, machine-building and mining industries and the January assignments under the national economic plan fulfilled with success.
  The proud achievements made in the first march this year which will conclude the first-stage struggle for pioneering and change toward the overall development of socialism are a great expression of the revolutionary creative mettle of the heroic workers and their spirit of thorough implementation. They are a clear demonstration of the loyal and single heart and patriotic devotion peculiar to the Korean people implementing what the Party Central Committee plans and decides without fail.
  Only continued new victories and changes are in store for the Korean people who are dynamically advancing to glorify 2025 as a signal year, a year of great changes, of opening a new phase to a higher stage of development with the tradition of struggle and spirit of creation peculiar to the Korean revolution in firm unity around the great Comrade Kim Jong Un with one mind and purpose, the report stressed.