/ Highlights
DPRK Premier makes field survey of different sectors of national economy
  Pak Thae Song, Member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and Premier of the Cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, made a field survey of different sectors of the national economy.
  Looking round different places of the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex, he stressed that the officials, technicians and workers should make fresh innovations in the production, keeping deep in their minds the importance of the duty of the complex in successfully completing the five-year plan for national economic development.
  He visited the Chollima Steel Complex and called for rousing all the workers to the campaign for increased production to turn out more molten iron. At the Posan Iron Works, he emphasized the need to produce sufficient amount of iron trioxide needed for attaining this year's iron and steel production goal.
  At Kim Jong Thae Electric Locomotive Complex he said it should produce more underground trains and electric locomotives with improved traction power.
  The consultative meetings held on the spot discussed the issues on rationally distributing production processes at the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex to raise their efficiency, on improving the quality of refractories at the units concerned to lower the iron production cost and on supplying materials for the production of the rolling stock on a preferential basis, and took relevant measures.