Women's union officials and members meet to celebrate Chairman Kim Jong Il 's birthday

A meeting of women's union officials and members was held at the Hall of Women on the 14th in celebration of the 83rd birth anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il .
Present there were Han Kwang Ho, Deputy Department Director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Hong Chol Jin, Secretary of the Pyongyang Municipal Committee of the WPK, officials of the Central Committee of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea and women's union officials and members in the city of Pyongyang.
A report was made by Jon Hyang Sun, Chairwoman of the Central Committee of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea, and speeches were made.
The reporter and speakers said that the birth ofKim Jong Il was a bonanza of the nation and a historic event promising a bright future of Korea, and that our powerful country today is possible thanks to the great fortune in February.
Saying the course of development of the Juche-oriented women's movement is warmly associated with the meticulous guidance ofKim Jong Il , they noted that the Korean women are enjoying a proud life under the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un , another great man.
They expressed their resolve to glorify the noble revolutionary life and immortal exploits ofKim Jong Il for all ages, remain faithful to the leadership of Kim Jong Un and thus fully demonstrate the revolutionary stamina and patriotic devotion of the Korean women in the worthwhile struggle for the prosperity and happiness of the large socialist family.
Present there were Han Kwang Ho, Deputy Department Director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Hong Chol Jin, Secretary of the Pyongyang Municipal Committee of the WPK, officials of the Central Committee of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea and women's union officials and members in the city of Pyongyang.
A report was made by Jon Hyang Sun, Chairwoman of the Central Committee of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea, and speeches were made.
The reporter and speakers said that the birth of
Saying the course of development of the Juche-oriented women's movement is warmly associated with the meticulous guidance of
They expressed their resolve to glorify the noble revolutionary life and immortal exploits of