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Love of Youth
  There is Jonwi Street built by young people in the capital city of Pyongyang. It was inaugurated on May 14.

  On May 4, ten days before the inauguration, there took place a meaningful wedding ceremony on the spot.
  The couple in the uniform of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade received warm congratulations of shock-brigaders. They were builders of Jonwi Street.

  Last year Song Kum Song who had been working at the Central Heat Supply Network Station and Kang Jin Hui at the Songyo Rungnado Garment Factory volunteered to work at the construction site of Jonwi Street in hearty response to the call of the Workers' Party of Korea.
  Listening to an enthusiastic speech of the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un at the venue of the ground-breaking ceremony, they pledged to themselves to hasten the day of inauguration. True to the pledge, they always tackled the difficult and labour-consuming work before others, enjoying the respect as innovators.
  All the work was difficult for them who had no experience in construction.
  Kang Jin Hui was said to have had tears in her eyes when she pricked her finger with a sewing needle. At first, she didn't know what to do with a reinforcement bar as thin as her finger. But she worked assiduously without complaining of difficulty, thinking of the day when she would see fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un in the new street.
  Song Kum Song was attracted to her in spite of himself, who was always ahead of others.
  He said he could not forget the days when they were supplying concrete mixture through pressure feed pump in a 40-storey apartment house, and continued:
  "When we were placing concrete on the slab of the 38th floor, the pressure feed pump went wrong all of a sudden and we had to stop the work. If we did not take any measure, the concrete mixture would be hardened to hinder the progress of the project. I felt dizzy to look up at the 38th floor. At that time, a girl ran in the van carrying a pannier filled with concrete mixture on her back. She was Kang Jin Hui."
  The image of the girl who was running ahead of others when even men were hesitant was kept deep in his mind.
  Kang Jin Hui said she came to know better about Song Kum Song that day.
  "He had bloodshot eyes and swollen face as he worked hiding the fact that he was not well. When I asked him to have a rest, he said ..."
  Song Kum Song said he was ashamed of yielding to difficulties even a moment, though fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un said in his speech at the ground-breaking ceremony that we should courageously overcome them by recalling the pledges we made when we volunteered. His words touched the heartstrings of Kang Jin Hui.
  After hard work, they could finish the slab project of the 38th floor till late at night.
  Love of youth is like a flower that blooms on one desire and one ideal.
  Their desire to hasten the day when they would make a report of inauguration to fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un made them love each other along with the construction of apartment houses.
  Kim Jong Un met them who had volunteered without hesitation to work in the place called by the Party and devoted all their love and dreams.
  Warmly pressing hands of Song Kum Song and Kang Jin Hui who were standing side by side among young innovators, he wished them happiness with an honourable appellation of permanent conjugal innovators.

  Song Kum Song and Kang Jin Hui are now working in the project for recovering damage in North Phyongan Province, glorifying the honour of conjugal innovators and cultivating happiness of their family in the place called by the Party.