/ Features
Position of Young People
  All have a lot of dreams and great ambition in their youth, the one and only time in their life. So they want to leave their clear traces in those days.
  A scientist wants to be in the vanguard of surpassing the cutting edge and an athlete wants to be winner flying the flag of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea high in the blue sky. The young people are desirous to be the first in all the work.
  There are many promising young scientists at the Advanced Technology Development Centre of Kim Il Sung University.
  They have a great ambition to develop ultramodern goods amazing the world.
  With the ambition, young scientists of the Information Technology Institute researched and developed a number of IT products with the artificial intelligence technology applied in the past.
  In the course, the institute has become one of the ten best IT enterprises on four occasions.
  Now it serves as a software technology development centre in the country.

  The young scientists of the institute are constantly striving to make all products advanced IT goods representing itself and furthermore, the country.

  Among the promising young scientists of the centre are those of the Biological Industry Research Institute who succeeded in obtaining the manganese concentrate badly needed for iron production from the low-grade wad which used to be thrown away.
  The young scientists of the institute made a research and analysis of a lot of technical literature concerning the production of manganese concentrate and groped for a rational way suited to the actual conditions. In the course, they conceived a way to obtain the high-grade manganese concentrate from the low-grade wad and sulfide mineral. In the course of repeated experiments, they solved technical problems including the establishment of the optimum leaching condition and thus established a new production method of manganese concentrate by low-grade wad.
  The new technology was introduced into the iron production and as a result, it turned out to have a great economic profit.
  Researcher Ri Un Song says:
  "I think the young people should be in the van of the scientific researches for national prosperity.
  We will always give fuller play to our wisdom and passion in scientific researches as well."
  Development of advanced technology is clearly the work which should be done by our young scientists.
  With such desire they are trying to conquer the world of science and their enthusiasm will bring about more wonderful successes.