/ Features
A Country Embodying the People-First Principle
  The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has been shining invariably as a people's country since it was named after the people.
  The great leader Kim Il Sung, the father of socialist Korea, founded the DPRK on September 9, Juche 37(1948) according to the general will of the entire people.
  The founding of the DPRK was an epoch-making great event that made the Korean people proudly appear on the international arena as an independent people and a dramatic event which wrote a new chapter of building a people-centred socialist state in human history.
  In the DPRK where the masses of the people are the masters of politics, everyone enjoys equal political rights and freedom and takes part in the state activities as the master.
  All the policies of the state reflect the people's will and demand and the laws are enacted and implemented to defend the people from A to Z.
  The people are regarded as the God and everything serves them in the DPRK.
  The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un clarified that the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the guiding idea of our Party and state, is, in essence, the people-first doctrine, thus making clear the popular character of our state.

  The marvellous reality, in which the benefits for the people increase and the life environment of the ordinary working people betters year after year, is a valuable crystallization of his energetic guidance and devotion.
  Under his wise leadership, cradles of happiness have been built magnificently in Pyongyang and modern houses in the countryside boasting of rural civilization of Korean style in recent few years. They are all for the people.

  Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, said at the 19th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the Eighth Party Central Committee that today we are faced with a heavy yet honourable task to provide the people with more civilized and happier living conditions and environment.
  He continues his journey of devoted service for the people's well-being in order to provide the people with an affluent and civilized life.
  The Party and the state make selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people and the latter entrust their destiny and future entirely to the former and support them with all sincerity. Herein lie the true features of the DPRK embodying the people-first principle.