/ WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Un's
Revolutionary Activities
Flood victims in North Phyongan, Jagang and Ryanggang provinces arrive in Pyongyang
President of State Affairs Kim Jong Un visits lodging quarters to greet flood victims
  The noble intention and benevolent care of the Workers’ Party of Korea, which regards it as its sacred duty and an immutable mode of its existence to uphold the people as Heaven and firmly defend them, reached first to all those who suffered misfortune from the grand natural disaster. This produces legendary tales of devotion for the people one after another, stirring the whole country.
  The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who devotes all his heart and soul for the safety and well-being of his beloved people, braving any hardships and trials, had thousands of lives rescued from the flooding that swept the northwestern part of the country and a gigantic project for dramatic transformation launched for recovery from the flood damage. And he took an important measure of making sure that the flood victims enjoy state-backed care and benefits in the capital city of Pyongyang without feeling any worry.
  Under the direct arrangement by the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, strong steps were taken to give them an emergency assistance. The April 25 Hostel and the base for military parade training in the capital city have been fully provided with conditions for education, nursing, living, relaxation, recreation and medical treatment for preschoolers, schoolchildren and inhabitants from the flood-hit areas.
  Children, schoolchildren, the elderly, the sick, honoured disabled ex-soldiers and nursing mothers, numbering more than 13,000, left the relevant areas by train amid the warm send-off by officials of the Party and power organs and inhabitants in North Phyongan, Jagang and Ryanggang provinces. They arrived in Pyongyang on August 15 and went to their lodging quarters.
  With excitement and pleasure, the families of flood victims entered the lodging quarters associated with the warm care and sincerity of the great Party Central Committee that always devotes its absolute and ardent love to the honourable service for the people.
  Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, visited the lodging quarters to meet the inhabitants from different flood-hit areas.
  When he arrived, the flood victims broke into enthusiastic cheers.
  They raised cheers of emotion, looking up to the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un with tears in their eyes, as he came to their lodging quarters despite the fierce heat with the paternal feeling of the father who greets his own flesh and blood, after repeatedly showing the great love and benevolence lest all of them should live in gloom. 
  Kindly pressing the hands of children stamping their feet, Kim Jong Un asked if they felt tired after a long journey and if they were not ill, showing his infinite paternal affection to them.
  He waved his hand to acknowledge their enthusiastic cheers.
  The compound was full of emotion, displaying the true features peculiar to the DPRK where the leader and the people are united with affection and obligation.
  Kim Jong Un was accompanied by senior officials of the Central Committee of the WPK.
  He made a welcome speech.
  He expressed thanks to the flood victims from different regions for having trusted and followed the measures taken by the Party and the government as well as his pleasure over meeting them in Pyongyang. He said it is a great relief to him that hostels with fairly good conditions can be provided to the elderly, nursing mothers, honoured disabled ex-soldiers and children, who have lived in discomfort in the flood-hit areas along the border lines and the northern inland region of the country, and continued:
  The April 25 Hostel, where you will stay starting from today, has been used to accommodate delegates to significant national conferences, and the base for military parade training is specially furnished to provide the conditions and environment necessary for the participating service personnel. Several national events are already slated for the latter half of this year, but we have decided to commit these facilities to the exclusive use of the people from the flood-hit areas. I hope you will feel at home here, enjoying yourselves without any worry.
  We will make further efforts to ensure a comfortable living for all of you. We will also pay due attention to working out schedules so that you can spend a pleasant, memorable time at the tourist attractions and bases for leisure activities in the capital city. Some of you may be physically unfit to move freely, and some others may experience inconveniences that are beyond their physical abilities. We will do our best to ensure that you live happily doing what you want to do, and in doing so, our absolute criteria will be meticulous attention to your health and comfort.
  This is an impressive and happy day. Our Party and government are most proud of such days. You are justifiably entitled to such grand welcome and sincere hospitality, and our Party and government are obliged to take full responsibility for the life and health of all the people within the territory of our Republic. This is a mandatory obligation and top priority for our Party and our state.
  All of you, who are present here, as precious members of our people, have remained faithful to our Party all your lives, working with devotion for the prosperity and development of our state; even when left homeless in the aftermath of an unexpected disaster, you treasured your trust in our Party more than your personal property or houses that had been lost, and your confidence in it remains fundamentally unchanged. In view of the important role you are playing in actively supporting our Party and state, and considering your position as future buttresses of the country, you justly deserve the best possible hospitality and services.
  I believe that this time, while staying in Pyongyang, you will spend pleasant and memorable days thanks to the utmost sincerity of Pyongyang citizens and their tender care. This time Pyongyang citizens showed heartfelt sincerity and tender solicitude towards the afflicted people by joining our Party and government in their initiatives to remove those people’s sufferings as soon as possible. I was deeply moved by the citizens’ ennobling spiritual world. At this moment, large numbers of Party members and young people from the capital city are working hard to restore the flood-hit areas, and relief supplies from Pyongyang are continuously being sent to these areas.
  It is heartbreaking that people in some parts and regions of the country experienced mental pain owing to the unexpected natural disaster, but in the face of the pain and trials our grand socialist family has been rallied more closely and united more firmly with an ennobling feeling. And our confidence in changing today’s disaster to a watershed for transforming regions has become more unwavering based on this unity of the whole society.
  This time we are not going to confine ourselves to simply rebuilding the afflicted areas, but we will turn them into a model and textbook of regions becoming urbanized, modernized and civilized. Soon the places destroyed by flooding and landslides will become transformed and richer beyond recognition without fail. The natural disaster was a stumbling block to our advance, but in these trials we have found another driving force for defending our ideal and bringing it into full bloom. By dint of this force, we will renovate your home villages, workplaces and schools, precious parts of our country, more beautifully and more wonderfully.
  I hope that the officials and employees of the April 25 Hostel and the base for military parade training, as well as others concerned, will work hard so that these disaster victims can be in a better condition than before, when returning to their dear native places that will be transformed beyond recognition. I entrust these elderly people, mothers and children to the members of the mobile education teams in charge of the teaching and edification of the children, and to the members of the mobile medical teams who are responsible for patient treatment and elderly care. I am in firm belief that these mobile team members will show utmost sincerity and selfless devotion.
  Availing myself of this opportunity, I would like to extend my thanks once again to you for invariably trusting and supporting our Party. The trust placed in us by our people–this is our biggest and most valuable asset which cannot be compared to any material wealth. I reaffirm that we are ready to go through thick and thin to prove ourselves worthy of the great trust shown by our people, and that we will work with devotion for the good of our great people and faithfully serve them.
  I hope that the elderly, women and all others from the flood-hit areas will enjoy this holiday happily and have an unforgettable and significant time while staying in the capital city of their beloved motherland, he added.
  When he finished his welcome speech, all the participants were moved to tears by the ardent feelings of the great father, who devotes his all to the people, regarding it as his pleasure to make painstaking efforts for them.
  Kim Jong Un waved his hands for a long time toward the flood victims sobbing with deep gratitude.
  The flood victims, who would enjoy a privilege under the special care and important measure of the Party and the state, expressed boundless gratitude to Kim Jong Un, representing the unanimous desire of all the inhabitants in the flood-hit areas and the people of the whole country.
  Kim Jong Un visited a dining hall for children.
  Looking with a bright smile on his face at the pretty children sitting at the tables, he affectionately told them to help themselves to foods.
  When he asked them if the foods are tasty and what kind of foods they like most, children competitively told him about the foods they like. They seemed to be making up to their father.
  Warmly embracing them unreservedly moved into his arms, Kim Jong Un said they should take foods heartily and grow up healthily to become happy children adding to the laughter of their families and country.
  He wished again that all those flood victims would spend pleasant days in good health, enjoying benefits to their heart’s content without any worry during their stay in Pyongyang.
  The Korean people, who are living under the red flag of the great Workers’ Party of Korea that subordinates all the state affairs to their well-being, will enjoy eternal happiness in the one and only grand socialist family in the world however disastrous the havoc caused by nature may be.